MRI 10/24/16

Today we were back at LPCH for an MRI. Reba has had two cycles of the isotretinoin so now is the time to look and see how the tumor is responding to the new drug- hopefully very well!

Reba handled the anesthesia just fine and next Monday the 31st we will be back for the results.

Please pray for excellent results…

Blowing bubbles trying to pass the time while starving
Trade off of not having her PICC line- needing an IV. No biggie
Sleepy head
Ice cream, fries and grilled cheese- yum! Especially after not eating all day!

5 thoughts on “MRI 10/24/16

  1. sondra rohan October 24, 2016 / 2:25 pm

    Dear Ones-The prayers have never stopped and will continue on. We are all rooting for Good News Monday. Sending Love and Positive Healing Energy.


  2. Kathy Tucker October 24, 2016 / 9:02 pm

    Praying for you all. Praying for healing for the strongest little girl I have ever known. Her story brings me courage every day. God bless you all.


  3. raugusts October 25, 2016 / 8:09 am

    Always in our prayers 🙏🙏each day, each week and each month, all the healing devotion in the best results ever, you all are in my prayers as this is for all


  4. Mary Jane Cope October 25, 2016 / 8:49 pm

    Sending prayers and healing thoughts to you all! Thank you for sharing your journey; Reba has touched so many lives!!


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